155 Days With Bach and Me

All Bach, All the Time…Everything Johann Composed

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New Bach Blog Coming!

April 16th, 2012 · 2 Comments · Uncategorized

I intend to start another Bach blog in the next month or so, going through every CD in a different Bach Complete Works set.

I’ll post a link to it here when it’s ready.


2 Comments so far ↓

  • He will be Bach

    Don’t you intend to continue the complete Bach set you were already doing? Even though I found your blog only now, I’m enjoying your comments, which regard the same set I own. 🙂

    • Bill

      I may go through the new Bach set I have. I haven’t decided yet. There’s a lot involved with this kind of a project. Takes 2-3 hours per day for nearly a year. I don’t seem to have as much time as I did the first time I undertook my year-long odyssey. But I’ve been seriously thinking about it.

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