155 Days With Bach and Me

All Bach, All the Time…Everything Johann Composed

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Entries Tagged as 'CD 2-5'

Day Twenty Eight: Six Partitas, Part One (CD 2-5)

August 24th, 2011 · No Comments · 1726, Bach at 41, BWV 825, BWV 826, BWV 830, CD 2-5, Glenn Gould, Harpsichord, Pieter-Jan Belder, Six Partitas Part One

If I have one complaint regarding the Brilliant Classics Complete Bach edition it’s this: Too much harpsichord! Or, to put it another way, this edition relies too much on period instruments. Would it have killed anyone to use a contemporary piano to perform The Well-Tempered Clavier? Or the Six Partitas? Unless one is a music […]

