155 Days With Bach and Me

All Bach, All the Time…Everything Johann Composed

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Entries Tagged as 'Bach at 42'

Day Nineteen: Musikalisches Opfer (CD 1-19)

August 15th, 2011 · No Comments · 1713, 1734, 1747, 1749, Bach at 28, Bach at 42, Bach at 62, Bach at 64, BWV 1072-1078, BWV 1079, Candy Thompson, CD 1-19, David Jansen, Deest, Floris Mijnders, Krijn Koetsveld, Marieke Schneemann, Musical Offering, Musikalisches Opfer, Netherlands Bach Ensemble, Three-Instrument Rule

Once again, I have to claim ignorance. What’s a Musikalisches Opfer? If that’s another way of saying Monstrous Instrument or Bane of Bill’s Existence then I completely understand. For this CD begins with harpsichord. Solo. Played at a pace that makes a funeral procession seem hasty. Need I say more? There’s an old joke about […]



Day Sixteen: Lute Works (CD 1-16)

August 12th, 2011 · No Comments · 1708, 1727, 1737, Bach at 23, Bach at 42, Bach at 52, BWV 995, BWV 996, BWV 997, CD 1-16, Jakob Lindberg, Lute, Lute Works, Michael Lowe

This is my favorite CD — Brandenburg Concerts notwithstanding — so far! I’ve always loved the sound of Classical guitar. The Lute is related, and sounds much like the Classical guitar. (Only it has a lot more strings. A. Lot. More.) Today’s CD is Lute Works performed by Jakob Lindberg, a brilliant player. The instrument […]

